New England School Public Relations Association

Executive Board 



Dan O'Brien

Chief Communications Officer

Worcester Public Schools, Massachusetts


What I Bring to NESPRA

Dan O’Brien is a founding executive board member of NESPRA, beginning as Vice President (2022-2024), and becoming President in May 2024 (2024-2026). As President, Dan’s goal is to keep NESPRA on a path of continuous improvement and sustainability, while particularly ensuring members have ongoing opportunities for networking and professional development. Dan is passionate about growing intentionality around diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in school communications.

Dan is the Chief Communications Officer for Worcester Public Schools, an urban district of about 25,000 students in Central Massachusetts. Dan previously led communications for Boston Public Schools and the Minuteman Regional Vocational School District in Massachusetts.

Prior to K-12, Dan was an assistant director of communications for Emerson College in Boston. Before that, he worked as a newspaper reporter for the Boston Herald, Boston Globe, New Hampshire Union Leader, and Lynn Daily Item. He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 

Vice President

Julia Mitchell

Director of Communications & Marketing

Pinkerton Academy (Derry, NH)


What I Bring to NESPRA

I'm excited to continue building this community of school communicators in New England. I have found great value in our chapter's connections both professionally and personally. The shared knowledge and experience of our members has not only provided me with guidance but also challenged me to grow in my position. I cannot overstate how impactful NESPRA.

I hope to build on the momentum and enthusiasm of the chapter. I would love to have the chapter incorporate more opportunities for members to work alongside each other in cohorts organized around a common goal. Having the opportunity to review ideas with others going through the same process (e.g. strategic planning) is greatly beneficial. 

I also would like to see more opportunities for members to lead from within the chapter whether it's choosing the next NESPRA reads book and leading the discussion, hosting a professional development session, or planning a regional meet-up. 

Further, I look forward to continuing the advocacy work the chapter has begun. Speaking to the value and importance of our work helps each of us. We all succeed when our profession is respected and valued. 

I know that NESPRA's future is bright, and I look forward to being a part of it, serving in any way that I can. 

Professional Experience

My professional experience has always been in education. I was an English major in college and taught high school English for 17 years before switching roles to be the Director of Communications in 2018. I am passionate about the power of education and providing opportunities for success to all students. 

I believe strongly in the power of the stories we tell. We influence the climate and culture of our schools and our broader communities by sharing the amazing things that happen in education each day. As school communicators, we help inform our communities, shape the narrative being shared, and strengthen the relationships between our communities and our schools. We are changemakers. 


Jennie Oesterreicher

Director of Communications

Holyoke Public Schools, Holyoke, MA


What I Bring to NESPRA

I bring to NESPRA my passion and commitment to public education packaged with stellar communications and leadership skills that have been finely honed over a 27-plus year career in public relations/communications. I have been director of communications for Holyoke Public Schools since October 2021. Prior, I was a program manager for the Communications Service of the Capital Region Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), and later a grant writer. I was a long-time member of the New York Public Relations Association (NYSPRA) and remain an active member of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). I have served as an NSPRA communications auditor and as a project manager, which included leading and supporting communications audits for public schools in the U.S. and providing team leadership and support to the NSPRA School Finance Benchmarking Project Team tasked with authoring a guidance primer for conducting effective school budget and bond finance campaigns.


Elaine Sein

Director of Marketing and Communications

Area Cooperative Educational Services, North Haven, CT


What I Bring to NESPRA

I am committed to advancing the field of school communications and public relations. My passion lies in fostering transparent, engaging, and inclusive environments within educational settings, and I believe NESPRA provides an exceptional opportunity to achieve these goals on a larger scale.

What excites me most about being part of the NESPRA chapter is the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded professionals who share a dedication to enhancing the educational experience through effective communication. I am particularly eager to engage with the chapter's diverse network, learn from their experiences, and contribute fresh perspectives to our collective endeavors.

I plan to contribute to NESPRA's growth by leveraging my marketing expertise, particularly in digital strategies and brand management, to amplify the chapter's reach and impact. I aim to introduce innovative approaches to member engagement and professional development, ensuring that NESPRA remains at the forefront of industry trends and best practices.

My goals as a board member include increasing membership diversity, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, and developing initiatives that support the professional growth of our members. By achieving these objectives, I hope to strengthen NESPRA's position as a leading authority in school communications and public relations, ultimately enriching the educational landscape for all stakeholders.

Professional Experience

As the Director of Marketing for ACES - Area Cooperative Educational Services, I have successfully enhanced our brand recognition and engagement through strategic marketing initiatives. I attended Gateway Community College and Charter Oak State College, and I am a proud board member of the Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce. My participation in the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce Leadership program has further honed my leadership skills. My approach to school communications and public relations is centered on fostering transparent, inclusive, and collaborative environments that resonate with diverse stakeholders. I am deeply committed to leveraging digital platforms and data-driven strategies to amplify educational messages and achievements. My professional interests lie in the intersection of education and marketing, where I can contribute to shaping positive educational experiences and outcomes.

Membership Coordinator

Ryan Langer

Communications Officer

Consolidated School District of New Britain (CT)


What I Bring to NESPRA

Although I am relatively new to NESPRA, I am no stranger to school communications and am extremely passionate about this work. I have really enjoyed my time spent in NESPRA meetings as connecting with others has been extremely motivating. The NESPRA members have graciously shared so much of their work with the team. Reviewing best practices, what has and hasn't worked across New England has been so beneficial. In the short time I've been with NESPRA I have found these conversations to be so helpful that I would like to take on a leadership role, specifically as Membership Coordinator, to further grow our team. We know there are many other individuals in New England doing this type of work who may not have ever heard of NESPRA. As Membership Coordinator, I think I could make a positive impact on others by inviting them to join this great community of talented individuals while bringing new voices to the table. I'd like to find new ways to spread the word about NESPRA and the support our group can offer others. Thank you for considering me for Membership Coordinator. 

Professional Experience

Since taking on my role, I've seen significant growth on our social media channels, allowing us to build a community while celebrating the work happening in New Britain. Building that community has also helped us in challenging times as our work has had a great impact on the community's perception of the school system. I was very proud to present our social strategies at a recent NESPRA session and look forward to further highlighting New Britain at the upcoming NESRA conference. I have a Bachelor's Degree from SCSU, where I was recently recognized by the Department as a Distinguished Alumni. I feel strongly any great communications team should be invested in their community. I am a volunteer Board Member for the Ana Grace Project Scholarship, worked with a colleague to launch a new scholarship for a graduating senior interested in communications, and created new internship opportunities to support NBHS students.

Communications Coordinator

Sean Siciliano

Chief Technology Officer and Communications Director

Middleborough Public Schools, MA


What I Bring to NESPRA

I am so excited that this group became a regional chapter. When we first started I remember sitting in a room with a small group of Massachusetts workers just like me and it was sigh of relief. To have a change to talk with others about what we encounter is huge. I want to be able to grow this and reach more districts. I would like to reach out to other districts and let them know how important these positions for. This would include presenting at M.A.S.S. conferences and getting in the ears of those who have the ability to add this position to their districts. Being apart of this group I know that at any time I can make a call and get help when tragedy strikes. Thank you for your consideration for this position.  

Professional Experience

I have been in the School Communications position since 2016. Prior to my career in schools I worked in the news industry in VT & RI. I received my bachelors degree from Lyndon State College in News Broadcast. Through my years at Middleborough I have started and grown the conversation of MPS telling our story and not letting others tell it for us. 

Past President

Meghan Baule

Communications Director

Colchester School District (VT)


What I Bring to NESPRA

As with most New England states, Vermont was slow to recognize the necessity and value of a full-time communications professional. When I was hired, I was the first in my district and I believe only the third in the state. Thankfully, I eventually found NSPRA and shortly after that, I started connecting with other school PR professionals in my region. Over the next few years, superintendents and school boards across the state started to understand the advantages of having someone on staff with a communication focus. While our role continues to grow, the accomplishments I’ve made in my district have led me to become a resource to Vermont leaders looking to add communications personnel to their districts. I often provide input on job postings, review applications, and mentor some of the new hires. The more I got involved in the network and mentorship aspect of school communications, the more I became passionate about the benefits of being connected. When the idea was pitched by NSPRA to create a New England Chapter, I knew I wanted to be involved from the start. While I didn’t anticipate taking on a leadership role on the formation committee, that is ultimately where I landed. There was a lot to do over the past six months but with each completed checkmark, we got closer to becoming an official resource for school communication professionals in the Northeast and I could not be more proud of that work. I am incredibly excited to be a part of our next steps. I believe offering timely, well-focused, and intentional professional learning with varied options for networking will serve us all (myself included!) very well in the early stages of our Chapter. Thank you for your consideration in allowing me to lead NESPRA and the fine group of professionals that will contribute to it. 

Professional Experience

Stories have always been a passion of mine, both as a storyteller and as a consumer. I earned my BA in TV Production from Westfield State in MA and spent the first part of my career as a news photog for two NBC affiliates. Working for the media gave me an appreciation and understanding of how stories are identified, created, presented. I spent the next nine years honing my crisis management skills fielding 9-1-1 calls and commanding radio traffic for emergency services as a dispatcher. This adrenaline-filled desk job taught me how to ask probing questions, the importance of filtering out "noise" to recognize important details, and to be hyper-aware of layered scenarios and repercussions. Going into my sixth year as Director of Communications for Colchester Schools, I enjoy sharing my own experiences and resources through mentorships but very much look forward to advancing my knowledge of PR in the near future through APR or a MA in Strategic Communications. 

Connecticut Representative

Patti Renaud

Director of Communications

Glastonbury Public Schools, Connecticut


What I Bring to NESPRA

I would be delighted to represent the great state of Connecticut on this Board. I look forward to learning more about the roles that everyone plays in their districts. We have so much to learn from each other and I just love a good collaboration. NSPRA has been a reliable and tremendously useful resource for me over the years. I expect NESPRA will be the same but at a more personal and local level.

I look forward to understanding our current membership numbers and connecting with others who may not have joined as of yet. Time is a precious resource for each of us...but time invested in NSPRA, and I imagine NESPRA, will be well worth it.

Professional Experience

I have served as the Communications Coordinator at Glastonbury Public Schools (CT) for almost 14 years. My bachelors degree is in Communications with a Media Analysis concentration from the University of Notre Dame (Go Irish!) and I also have a Masters in Social Work with a Community Organizing concentration from Fordham.

When I started school communications work, I had NO idea how much that MSW degree would come in handy! These last couple of years have certainly elevated the importance of school communications. Our work is critical to the success of our school systems and, ultimately, our students. Our messages must be accurate, informative, and transparent. At the same time, we must reach a variety of audiences and share information and stories that are interesting, relevant, and easy to understand. My favorite challenge is to take complicated information and present it in a way that it can be understood by all.

Massachusetts Representative

Esmeralda Casas

Media and Communications Director

Ashland Public Schools (MA)


What I Bring to NESPRA

Esmeralda is excited to represent her new home state of Massachusetts and looks forward to increasing collaboration amongst NESPRA members and enhancing the board's DEIB goals. 

Professional Experience

Originally from South Texas, Esmeralda Casas received a BA in Psychology at Texas A&M University. In 2021, Esmeralda moved to Massachusetts to join Ashland Public Schools as their first Media and Communications Director, focusing on engaging diverse district community members through accessible, transparent, and design-forward communication. As a transplant and a one-person shop, she took the initiative to find professional development opportunities and build relationships in her new community, joining NESPRA early on.

Maine Representative

Vacant Seat

What I Bring to NESPRA

Professional Experience

New Hampshire Representative

Genevieve Brown 

Director of Communications

Oyster River Cooperative School District, Durham, NH


What I Bring to NESPRA

I am looking to serve NESPRA because I would like to give back to the remarkable community of amazing humans in the organization. The onboarding process as my district's first full-time communication professional with a background in higher education and educational program management was an exciting yet challenging process. NESPRA was instrumental in helping me create a network of trusted peers and connecting with veteran school communicators.

New Hampshire seems to be slowly becoming more aware of a school communicators' value and I would like to support raising that awareness.

As storytellers, we yield a powerful tool and big responsibilities. I believe in NESPRA’s mission and the importance of providing support and professional development opportunities to school communicators.

Professional Experience

"I lead, manage, counsel, and coordinate the Oyster River Cooperative School District's (SAU5) communication strategy and program with a focus on community outreach and engagement. I maintain the district's brand and vision in all messaging guided by the district's philosophy and in accordance with ORCSD requirements and board policies. 

I received a BA in Ancient Studies and Graduate Diploma in Public Relations from Université Laval.

My previous professional experience is in educational program management and marketing in K-12, higher education, and immersive exhibits. I previously served as board member (VP of Programming and VP of DEI & Community) for three different chapters of the American Marketing Association (New Mexico, Triangle, and Boston).

I am a first-generation immigrant and native French-Canadian speaker."

headshot of Jennifer Cowart

Rhode Island Representative

Jennifer Cowart

Communications Specialist

Cranston Public Schools, Rhode Island


What I Bring to NESPRA

I am excited to be part of this chapter because I find it to be very inspiring and informative. I briefly feel like I am a department of many when we are together-even if virtually, rather than my department of one. I have used what I have learned at our meetings and events to improve my position and improve our district communications and brand. I am excited to be able to help other people the way this chapter has helped me, and to be able to contribute to the greater good of the group.  

Professional Experience

I have been the Communications Specialist for four years and was the local newspaper's education reporter for 12 years prior to taking this position. My degree is in elementary education. I was the first person in this position, and I work very hard to tell our district's story day to day while improving our branding and helping individual schools share their news as well. Good news needs to be shared and we need to be ready when bad news hits as well.  


Vermont Representative

Cindy Dunigan 

Outreach Coordinator        

Stafford Technical Center, Vermont


What I Bring to NESPRA

I want to be more involved, and learn more about how best to educate the public about my school. I know that there are people who have so much to share, and by having this group be active everyone will benefit. 

Professional Experience

I am just learning all the ways to accomplish the goals of communication, so I am the perfect person to be sure that decisions and trainings will impact "newbies"